Basics. / Unbundling

Unbundling Across Product and Usage Dimensions

Unbundling can be done either across product dimensions, time or both. That gives four possible pricing scenarios: Monolithic Pricing: Customers pay once and get all product features whether or not they need all the features and for all the time. Subscription Pricing: This is pay-as-you-go scheme. Customers pay periodically and get all the features. Add-Ons: … Continue reading

Airlines / Baggage Fees / Basics. / Unbundling

Is Unbundled Pricing A Cure All?

Unbundled pricing is not a panacea and it is not for very product and service. In my previous posts I talked about the cases where unbundling is not the right solution. Five reasons to not unbundle pricing Do not use pricing to solve operational inefficiencies Brand erosion from unbundling (Hulu and  Networks) However unbundling is … Continue reading